Managed installer wasn’t ready. Apply an AppLocker policy to the device and try again, or wait for Intune to try the installation again the next time the device syncs.

Run the first script here to clear the Managed Installer Then run a Sync on the PC so the Device enrolls with this script

Managed installer status Error

Trying to deploy Managed installer and we were getting errors preRemediationDetectionOutput: [Sidecar is not set as a managed installer.] remediationError: [C:\WINDOWS\IMECache\HealthScripts\d78c1822-e082-491a-b3a7-4a701836481e_4\remediate.ps1 : Failed in handling upgrade. Cannot […]

ADFS Service not starting After reboot

The Federation Service configuration could not be loaded correctly from the AD FS configuration database. Additional DataError:ADMIN0012: OperationFault There was an error in enabling endpoints of Federation […]

Powershell to force remove webroot

If you boot into Safe mode or boot the disk into another device you can delete the below folders “%ProgramData%\WRData”, “%ProgramData%\WRCore”, Which will let you run the […]