From Microsoft:“There is a Known Issue that halts the installation progress of the February 9, 2021 security update (KB4601318). To address this issue, we have released a […]
Author: paris
Hybrid Setup : 365 with the following error message “421 4.4 2 connection dropped due to socketerror”
Mailboxes in 365 were not receiving email , this was caused by the recent Exchange 2010 security patches being installed – Update Rollup 32 for Exchange Server […]
Qnap Thin pool repair
Stop all of services and umount all of volumesStep1: Stop all of services/etc/init.d/ stop/etc/init.d/ stop/sbin/daemon_mgr lvmetad stop “/sbin/lvmetad” rm /var/run/lvm/lvmetad.socketStep2: Confirm which volume group or pool need […]
QNAP Ghost snapshot thin pool repairing
Check metadata:Please use thin_check to check the metadata of the pool to confirm what wrongs in the metadata.pdata_tools_8192( or 4096) thin_check /dev/mapper/vg1-tp1_tmeta –non# Assume the ghost snapshot […]
IIS logs reporting Gateway IP address as X-Forwarded-For
Recently was trying to disable access to a subfolder on an IIS site. Adding IP Restrictions to the site , and looking the Logs , the address […]
How to Merge an Outlook\Exchange Autocomplete with Another
I recommending backing up the Autocomplete from both Accounts via Backing up and restoring the AutoComplete cache of Outlook 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019 and Office 365 – […]
DNS Name Server Shows DOWN on NetScaler
Make sure the Netscaler has a correct Subnet IP Addresses ( SNIP ) IP Address that can ping the DNS server , pinging from the Netscaler IP […]
woocommerce-services – PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot call constructor in
Recently a wordpress site crashed after with the error : [pid 31317] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot call constructor in /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-services/classes/wc-api-dev/class-wc-rest-dev-data-continents-controller.php:47\nStack trace:\n#0 wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-services/woocommerce-services.php(922): WC_REST_Dev_Data_Continents_Controller->__construct()\n#1 wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(287): WC_Connect_Loader->wc_api_dev_init(Object(WP_REST_Server))\n#2 wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(311): […]
How to create or remove Vlan and Tag ports on extreme switch
Create vlan “ISOLATED”configure vlan ISOLATED description “ISOLATED”Configure vlan ISOLATED tag 200conf vlan ISOLATED add port 2:14 taggedRemove”configure vlan <vlan name> delete ports <port_list>”.
Fortigate causing Teams calling issues
when enabling DDOS, UTM or traffic over VPN. I believe this applies to other video solutions like zoom.Workarounds below: any voice-type traffic you should not use UTM […]