Update Flash via SCCM 2007

Login to SCCM server with a user who is a member of USR_SCCM_Admins group


First you will want to creation a collection ( selection of computers ) who you can test the policy with. SCCM has some premade ones, segregating Workstations and Servers with Operating Systems

Create a new collection ( right click New ) Choose a Name  and Click Next

Add an Individual PC can be added by choosing This Red High-Lighted Button and Using the Query to the left



Choose a Group of Computers Such as an OU can be added by using the Blue Highlighted button and the query below




Download the Application MSI from the website

Create a new Package – Enter the Name

Choose the datasource as a folder location in \\sccmserver\share$\Applications and you can leave everything else as defaults (if you only have one site)

After creation of the above Folder , copy all the files you need to install into this directory e.g. the MSI and and BAT Files. The Bat files might look something like this


@echo off
echo --------------------------------------------------------
echo .
echo . Installing Adobe Flash Player 18 - Please Wait
REM Installs Adobe Flash Player 18 and disables autoupdate checking
echo .
echo --------------------------------------------------------
REM Install Adobe Flash Player ActiveX
msiexec.exe /qb /norestart /i "%~dp0install_flash_player_18_active_x.msi"
REM Installing Adobe Flash Player Plugin
msiexec.exe /qb /norestart /i "%~dp0install_flash_player_18_plugin.msi"
REM Disable Auto Updates
REM Copy flash config file to C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Flash\
xcopy "mms.cfg" "C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Flash\" /Y
if exist "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\" xcopy "%~dp0mms.cfg" "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\" /e /i /h /y
if exist "C:\Windows\System32\Macromed\Flash\" xcopy "%~dp0mms.cfg" "C:\Windows\System32\Macromed\Flash\" /e /i /h /y
REM Return exit code to SCCM
exit /B %EXIT_CODE%

After creating the Package you need to Create a Program which references the files

Under the Package Program Folder , right click on Programs and choose New

Enter and Name and in Command Line reference the .bat file

Choose Next and choose the self-explanatory options

Distribute the Package via Advertisement

There are multiple ways to distribute a program through SCCM , but I prefer using the advertisement as it can be straight away!

Choose the options above and Choose the Package, Program and Collection you would like to deploy to

Choose Next , where you can put the start time this will which the advertised app will appear in peoples control panel

To force this to run for all users you will need to add a Mandatory Assignments Task where you can also set a schedule or immediate start time

Follow through the rest of the self-explantory options and click go when ready.

Sit back and wait!

To Check Status of the rollout

Software Distribution / Packages / Choose your Package / Pack Status / Your Office and click on the right hand Actions Show Messages and Choose ALL Choose the day range and click OK



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