Get list of Windows Updates needed to be installed on Virtual Machine Enviroment Vmware/ Powershell


Run Vmware Powercli


Connect-ViServer %name of server%

Run the output of below to a text file

E.g. .\Get-PendingUpdate.ps1 | Output-File file.txt


Function Get-PendingUpdate { 
Retrieves the updates waiting to be installed from WSUS 
Retrieves the updates waiting to be installed from WSUS 
.PARAMETER Computer 
Computer or computers to find updates for. 
Retrieves the updates that are available to install on the local system 
Author: Boe Prox 
Date Created: 05Mar2011 
#Requires -version 2.0 
DefaultParameterSetName = 'computer' 
Mandatory = $False, 
ParameterSetName = '', 
ValueFromPipeline = $True)] 
Begin { 
$scriptdir = { Split-Path $MyInvocation.ScriptName –Parent } 
Write-Verbose "Location of function is: $(&$scriptdir)" 
#Create container for Report 
Write-Verbose "Creating report collection" 
$report = @() 
Process { 
ForEach ($c in $Computer) { 
Write-Verbose "Computer: $($c)" 
If (Test-Connection -ComputerName $c -Count 1 -Quiet) { 
Try { 
#Create Session COM object 
Write-Verbose "Creating COM object for WSUS Session" 
$updatesession = [activator]::CreateInstance([type]::GetTypeFromProgID("Microsoft.Update.Session",$c)) 
Catch { 
Write-Warning "$($Error[0])" 
#Configure Session COM Object 
Write-Verbose "Creating COM object for WSUS update Search" 
$updatesearcher = $updatesession.CreateUpdateSearcher() 
#Configure Searcher object to look for Updates awaiting installation 
Write-Verbose "Searching for WSUS updates on client" 
$searchresult = $updatesearcher.Search("IsInstalled=0") 
#Verify if Updates need installed 
Write-Verbose "Verifing that updates are available to install" 
If ($searchresult.Updates.Count -gt 0) { 
#Updates are waiting to be installed 
Write-Verbose "Found $($searchresult.Updates.Count) update\s!" 
#Cache the count to make the For loop run faster 
$count = $searchresult.Updates.Count 
#Begin iterating through Updates available for installation 
Write-Verbose "Iterating through list of updates" 
For ($i=0; $i -lt $Count; $i++) { 
#Create object holding update 
$update = $searchresult.Updates.Item($i) 
#Verify that update has been downloaded 
If ($update.IsDownLoaded -eq "True") { 
$temp = "" | Select Computer, Title, KB,IsDownloaded 
$temp.Computer = $c 
$temp.Title = ($update.Title -split('\('))[0] 
$temp.KB = (($update.title -split('\('))[1] -split('\)'))[0] 
$temp.IsDownloaded = "True" 
$report += $temp 
Else { 
$temp = "" | Select Computer, Title, KB,IsDownloaded 
$temp.Computer = $c 
$temp.Title = ($update.Title -split('\('))[0] 
$temp.KB = (($update.title -split('\('))[1] -split('\)'))[0] 
$temp.IsDownloaded = "False" 
$report += $temp 
Else { 
#Nothing to install at this time 
Write-Verbose "No updates to install." 
#Create Temp collection for report 
$temp = "" | Select Computer, Title, KB,IsDownloaded 
$temp.Computer = $c 
$temp.Title = "NA" 
$temp.KB = "NA" 
$temp.IsDownloaded = "NA" 
$report += $temp 
Else { 
#Nothing to install at this time 
Write-Warning "$($c): Offline" 
#Create Temp collection for report 
$temp = "" | Select Computer, Title, KB,IsDownloaded 
$temp.Computer = $c 
$temp.Title = "NA" 
$temp.KB = "NA" 
$temp.IsDownloaded = "NA" 
$report += $temp 
End { 
Write-Output $report 
$GetVM = Get-VM | 
Where {$_.Guest -match 'windows'} | 
Where {$_.PowerState -eq 'PoweredOn'}
Foreach ($vm in $GetVM)
Get-PendingUpdate -Computer $vm.Guest.IPAddress[0]


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